October 2015

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In commemoration

“Chatham is a small community in Trinidad, heading south from Point Fortin in the county of St Patrick. The Chatham Youth Camp is currently used, among other things, to train young men in the arts of communication and life skills, engaging them through sport to discipline both minds and bodies. The site has a pleasant and pastoral prospect, tree-filled green hills alternating with lush valleys, and the soughing leaves of elegant bamboo limbs are the backdrop for agile boys in red and black dribbling a football. This seems a long way from the classrooms and laboratories of The University of the West Indies. Yet here was another field for research engagement of our scholars and students through a project of a team of scholars from the Faculty of Social Sciences.”

This is the opening paragraph of the editorial written by Professor Patricia Mohammed, the editor of the book, “Advancing Knowledge: Impacting Lives” commissioned by the Campus Principal at St. Augustine, Professor Clement Sankat.

The book was meant to coincide with the celebration of 55 years as a campus, which will be formally marked on October 12, 2015. It focuses on the growing research agenda and highlights the work being done by researchers throughout the St. Augustine Campus.