Dr. Sterling K. Frost
Deputy Chief Executive Officer – Operations and Administration, First Citizens Group

Mr. Dion Abdool
Attorney at Law General Counsel & Corporate Secretary at the Water and Sewerage Authority

Mr. Ian Chinapoo
Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Board Director of Massy Holdings Limited

Dr. Daryl Dindial
Chief Personnel Officer, Personnel Department (PD) Government of Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Nigel Edwards
Executive Director of the Unit Trust Corporation

Ms. Melanie Tom
Associate Partner, Ernst & Young

Mr. Robert C. Green
Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer - Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited

Dr. Ralph Henry
Economist and Consultant, Chairman of Kairi Consultants Ltd

Mr. Gilroy Pultie
Managing Director, St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC)