“Discover the Secret” Challenge

The COMP1602: Computer Programming II class was given a "Discover the Secret" challenge.

A secret message containing a set of ASCII characters has been encrypted. The encrypted message is stored in a text file, encrypted.txt. You must decrypt the message in encrypted.txt and store the original message as characters in decrypted.txt.



Figure 1: Contents of encrypted. txt


The students were given two (2) days in which to decrypt the message correctly. All COMP1602 students were encouraged to participate. However, participation was completely voluntary. The challenge was done individually by students.

Participating students wrote a C++ program to decrypt the message and stored the message in a file decrypted.txt.

Prizes were awarded based on the first person to submit a program which correctly decrypted the message. The first person to correctly decrypt the message will receive the main prize. The next four persons to correctly decrypt the message will each also receive a prize.


The Winners of this Challenge are shown below.



Mr. Carlonn Rivers

Veron Ramkissoon.jpg

Mr. Veron Ramkissoon

Shivan Maharaj.jpg

Mr. Shivan Maharaj

Josh Gopaul.jpg

Mr. Josh Gopaul



Special Consolation Prize Winner


Mr. Anwyko Trim



Other Consolation Prize Winners

Daniel Yatali.jpg

Mr. Daniel Yatali

Gabriel Rique.jpg

Mr. Gabriel Rique


Ms. Jessica Mohammed

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