February/March 2011

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Campus News: Main Library becomes The Alma Jordan Library
During the course of the celebrations to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the St. Augustine Campus of the UWI in 2010, it was decided to name certain buildings in recognition of staff members who made outstanding contributions to the development of the campus. Seven new names were approved and official ceremonies are planned for each building.
As of February 28, the Main Library officially became The Alma Jordan Library, in celebration of Dr Alma Jordan, who was Campus Librarian at The Main Library from 1960 to 1989, serving also as University Librarian from 1982 to her retirement in 1989. The unveiling ceremony also offered glimpses of Dr. Jordan’s stewardship at the Library. There was also a physical and virtual exhibition of the construction and development of the Library.
Alma Theodora Jordan was born in Tunapuna in 1929, and graduated with honours with a BA in Spanish from London University before pursuing library studies which culminated with a Doctorate of Library Science from Columbia University in 1966. She has written extensively on Caribbean librarianship, been a foundation member of the national library association and first president (1969-70) of the Association of Caribbean University Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL). A scholarship has been instituted in her honour. She has served on library boards and committees nationally, regionally and internationally.
She is the recipient of many medals and awards, including the Hummingbird Medal (Gold) in 1989 and was inducted into the Hall of Excellence of her alma mater, St Joseph’s Convent, Port of Spain in 2001.
The new designations for the St Augustine buildings are:
- The Alma Jordan Library (Main Library)
- The Lloyd Brathwaite Building
(Student Administration Building)
- The Ken Julien Building
(Faculty of Engineering Block 1)
- The Desmond Imbert Building
(Faculty of Engineering Block 4)
- The Max Richards Building
(Faculty of Engineering Block 13)
- The George Alleyne Building
(New building constructed for the Health Economics Unit)
- The Arthur Lewis Hall of Residence, St. John Road
(St. John Road Student Accommodation)