The SECL Prize Giving Ceremony

Beginning in Semester I of Academic Year 2016-2017, students at the St. Augustine Campus of The UWI were able to provide vital feedback on their learning experiences through a new online platform. To facilitate the smooth transition to this process and to promote awareness and engagement, students who completed all of their assigned evaluations became eligible to win prizes. They were randomly selected by the Course Evaluation Administrators, one student per faculty.

The CETL of The UWI STA is pleased to present our randomly selected winners since then:

Semester I 2016-2017 SECL Prize Giving Ceremony

Semester II 2016-2017 SECL Prize Giving Ceremony

Semester I 2017-2018 SECL Prize Giving Ceremony

Semester II 2017-2018 SECL Prize Giving Ceremony

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