The Faculty of Food and Agriculture participated in the Annual Covigne Pigeon Peas Festival hosted by the Upper Cemetery Street Residents Association (UCSRA) on Covigne Road in Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago. This festival was first held last year by the UCRSA, an NGO, which aims to use the available resources for sustainable development of the community. The event reflects the project, Sustainability Through Agriculture and Tourism (STAT), that this group of residents has started. The project aims to revive pigeon pea production in the area because it was once well-known as a major producer of this crop, to reafforest the surrounding hills with fruit and forest trees, and to reopen trails for use by hikers. It is anticipated that these activities would provide residents in the area with opportunities for enterprises and employment. Some of these opportunities were demonstrated by the pigeon pea dishes on sale including accra, hummus, pizza, phoulorie, ice cream, punch, wines and also the jewellery displayed. The FFA booth displayed posters highlighting research and development work on pigeon peas and hillside planting of fruit trees, including breadfruit. A range of alternative flours from green banana, moko, plantain, cassava, sweet potato, dasheen and breadfruit was also displayed and drew much interest. Visitors were also informed of the Faculty’s programmes. The FFA booth was also visited by the Chairperson of the Diego Martin Regional Corporation and the representative of the Member of Parliament for that constituency. FFA representatives included Messrs Michael Gloster, Oral Daley, Moses Mike, Ms Margaret Gordon and Dr Laura Roberts-Nkrumah.

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