Climate Change and Health Leaders Fellowship Training Program

2021 – 2022

Climate Change and Health Leader Fellow

Dr. Kim M. Newton-James is currently the Technical Officer for Chemicals and Solid Waste Management at the Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Department of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). She has worked with CARPHA for the past four (4) years. During this time, she worked in a variety of areas related to WASH, environmental management and sustainability as well as disaster response. Dr. Newton-James holds a Doctorate and Master's in Environmental Toxicology from Clemson University with a Bachelor Degree in Biochemistry. She is a proud recipient of the prestigious U.S. Fulbright Scholarship. Before working with CARPHA, Dr. Newton-James was an Assistant Science Lecturer at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. One motivating factor for moving to CARPHA was her interest in the link between the physical environment and public health. She aspires to increase public awareness, influence behaviours and attitudes and foster positive actions towards the environment and the preservation of human health.