
A Week With Statistics

Event Date(s): 08/03/2010 - 12/03/2010

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science hosts a week of Statistics related activities from March 8th-12th, 2010, during which we will hear from two visiting professors, Professor Winston Richards of Penn State University, well-known from his frequent visits over the years, and Professor Ingram Olkin of Stanford University.  Prof. Olkin, a renowned statistician, has made substantial contributions to Multivariate Analysis, Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis and Meta-Analysis over the course of an extremely long and distinguished career. We are pleased to welcome him to Trinidad and Tobago for the first time.

Prof. Olkin will give three talks. The first will focus on the interplay between theory and applications in Statistics and will take place on Monday March 8th, 2010, at 1:30 pm at the Institute for Critical Thinking. All are invited. The second will be an introduction to Meta-Analysis. This will be by invitation only. The third talk, titled “Measures of Heterogeneity, Diversity and Inequality,” will be delivered at the FSA seminar room on Wednesday, March 10th, 2010, at noon, as one of our FSA Faculty Seminars. 

Prof. Winston Richards will be celebrating his 75th birthday during Statistics Week and the DMCS will take the opportunity to recognize his contributions over the years at a dinner that they will host in his honour. It will take place on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. 

In addition the Director of the Central Statistical Office, Mr. Dave Clement, will speak on the future organization of the CSO. Stay tuned for further info on this talk and other activities planned this week.



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