Event Date(s): 21/06/2010 - 23/06/2010
Location: Charles Town, Portland, Jamaica
Second International Maroon Conference will take place from June 21-23, 2010, at Charles Town, Portland, Jamaica.This inter- and multi-disciplinary project seeks papers and panels thatexplore representations of Maroon culture in literature, art, music, film,theatre, and history.
This conference strives to increase awareness of Maroon contributions tocontemporary societies, bringing together Maroons with scholars interestedin Maroon heritage and indigenous cultures. In addition to exploring Maroonhistory and culture, the various events aim to develop strategies forsustainable development and wealth creation in Maroon communities.
With the theme, "Meet me in the Circle," the conference aims to establish a"Maroon Connection" beyond Jamaica, reaching out to communities in theUnited States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, South America, and Africa. Theconference will host cultural events to commemorate the Annual Quao'sVictory Day (June 23).
Please send abstracts by April 20 to fbotkin@towson.edu
Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |
Second International Maroon Conference