
The National Conference for Environmental Management 2011

Event Date(s): 21/01/2011

Location: Faculty of Engineering

The National Conference for Environmental Management 2011 on 21st January, 2011, is devoted to the analysis of approaches to environmental management in Trinidad and Tobago, the creation of opportunities for networking and collaboration and the reflection on the sustainable way forward for our Nation.

The main goals of the conference are:

  • To draw together some of the region’s most accomplished and experienced professionals in the conservation, protection and use of the environment in Trinidad and Tobago;
  • To understand aspects and approaches to environmental management in a forum that encourages a holistic consideration of their attributes and interconnections for improvement;
  • To stimulate reflection and discussion on the way forward, scientifically, programmatically, and politically to support effective environmental management in Trinidad and Tobago; and
  • To bring together representatives of key stakeholders to create opportunities for networking and collaboration.

The conference is hosted by The University of West Indies (UWI), the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and a Coalition of NGOs.  

To find out more and to register, please visit the conference website, or contact the Secretariat at secretariat@environmentalconferencett2011.com.


Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |