Event Date(s): 11/11/2012 - 17/11/2012
International Geography Awareness Week 2012
The Geography Department at UWI invites all students to participate in the events commemorating International Geography Awareness Week from November 11th -17th. The week features three major events:
· A Geography Awareness Open Week Evening for Geography teachers, academic staff, postgraduate students, and alumni on Wednesday November 14th at the UWI Staff Social Club from 6-9pm;
· Secondary School Students’ Session “Geography at the Tertiary Level” on Thursday November 15th at the Sir Frank Stockdale Building, Lecture Room C from 1-4pm; and
· A week-long Geography Department Secondary School Students’ Photo Contest for fifth and sixth form students. Photos must be taken between November 11th and 17th and submitted online via events.gaw@gmail.com by midnight of November 17th. The photos will capture the lived-geographies of students' cities, towns, villages, and homes across the country.
These activities aim to build an exciting and productive relationship with teachers, Geography students and the wider Geography Community and promote awareness of, and excellence in, Geography education.
For further information on International Geography Awareness Week, email priya.kissoon@sta.uwi.edu or events.gaw@gmail.com.
Priya Kissoon