
The Floatation of the TT dollar: the experience of the past 20 years.

Event Date(s): 17/04/2013

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago announced, on Thursday April 8, 1993, its intention to float the TT dollar, beginning April 13, 1993. Was it a wise decision? Should we revert to a fixed exchange rate regime?

The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), to help answer these and other questions, and to commemorate the 20th anniversary of this landmark event,  hosts a Forum on the topic: The Floatation of the TT dollar: the experience of the past 20 years. 

The forum begins at 10am at the Noor Hassanali Auditorium, UWI (St. Augustine) Campus.  

Panelists include: 

Ms Joan John, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago;

Mr Mariano Browne, Former Government Minister;

Mr Anthony Wilson, Editor of the Business Guardian;

Professor Compton Bourne, Executive Director, Caribbean Centre for Money and Finance and Former President, Caribbean Development Bank.  

The session will be chaired by Professor Patrick Watson, Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, University of the West Indies. 

The Noor Hassanali Auditorium is housed on the same site as the SALISES, on the western side of the main Campus of the UWI, St Augustine, adjacent to, and north of, the Institute of International Relations. 


  • Marlyn

  • Faculty/Department

    Sir Arthur Lewis Inst of SES,  Faculty of  Social Sciences

  • Tel.: 662-2002 ext. 82391