
CCfc Competitiveness Case Writing Workshop

Event Date(s): 02/05/2013 - 03/05/2013

Location: The University of the West Indies’ (UWI) Open Campus, St. Lucia

The Caribbean Centre for Competitiveness (CCfC) in collaboration with The University of the West Indies’ (UWI) Open Campus will host a Competitiveness Case Writing Workshop on May 2-3, 2013. The workshop to be held at the Open Campus, St. Lucia, is the first component of the CCfC’s ‘Regional Firm Competitiveness Research Project: Case Studies of Best Practices.’ The second component will involve a post-workshop Case Practicum of regional firms and industry segments which will span a three-month period.  

The Project seeks to build the University’s knowledge bank and capacity for documenting our Caribbean firms’ and industries’ competitiveness experiences as Cases.

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