
Partnerships and Actions for Small Island Developing States

Event Date(s): 25/06/2013

Location: Board Room, Institute of International Relations

The Institute of International Relations (IIR) hosts the IIR Small Island Developing States (SIDS) +20 Forum "Partnerships and Actions for Small Island Developing States" to heighten awareness of the SIDS +20 Summit and SIDS debates more generally.  The forum is an excellent opportunity for academics, civil society and policy makers to exchange views and refine positions on issues facing SIDS in the context of the SIDS +20 meeting in 2014. 

2014 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Barbados Program of Action (BPOA) –the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States held in Barbados from 25 April-6 May 1994.  It was followed by the Mauritius Strategy of Implementation Outcome document of 2005 and the Mauritus+5 2010 meeting.  SIDS leaders at the five year review of the Mauritius Strategy noted with concern that, ““Small Island developing States have made less progress than most other groupings, or even regressed, in economic terms, especially in terms of poverty reduction and debt sustainability”.  The impact of climate change, energy dependence, the need for greater international support, and the need to develop sustainable practices for coastal and marine resources are particularly important governance dilemmas for SIDS. (UN 2010, A/RES/65/2).

The content of the forum will be included in an edited book and in policy briefs to feed into the SIDS +20 intergovernmental preparatory processes.

The forum takes place from 9am to 5pm at the Board Room, Institute of International Relations. All are invited.


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