Event Date(s): 19/09/2013
Location: JFK Quandrangle, The UWI, St. Augustine Campus
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine holds its Annual Matriculation and Welcome Ceremony on Thursday September 19, 2013, at 5pm, at the JFK Quandrangle.
At the beginning of each academic year, The University of the West Indies hosts a Matriculation Ceremony for its new students. It is an important annual academic ritual, its significance being that it is the platform on which new students are officially initiated into and recognised as members ot the University's academic community. The event is marked by the signing of the register, the recital of the academic vow and the official welcome by the Vice Chancellor. A number of other University officers, including the Campus Principal, the Deputy Principal, your Faculty Dean, the Director of Student Services and the Guild President will also welcome the students. In addition, the top ten performers of the 2013 Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) have been recognised and presented with special plaques to commemorate their achievements in the past. This year, it is proposed that the top five SEA performers as well as the top five CXC performers will be invited to the Matriculation ceremony.
This is a momentous occasion for the University and its new students, as it is the only time during the academic year, apart from the Graduation Ceremony, that a full academic procession takes place.
Students are reminded that the ceremony begins at 4.30pm, and are asked to be seated by 4.15pm.
A dress code will be in effect: Females: white shirt/blouse, formal black pants/skirt, black shoes|Males: white shirt and tie, shirt jacket, black trousers, black shoes. Other colours are not permitted.
Parking and traffic restrictions will also be in place.
Student Affairs (Admissions)