
Campus Security Forum

Event Date(s): 12/09/2013

As part of an ongoing campaign to sensitise staff and students to security issues on Campus, the University will hold a Security Forum next Thursday, September 12, 2013, at the JFK Quadrangle, from 12-3pm. The theme of this year's security campaign is "Sec-UR-ity, UR @ the centre". Personal safety is the responsibility of each individual, and this campaign encourages University staff and students to take their personal security seriously.

From 12pm, come see self-defence demonstrations, visit booths set up by support services to hear concerns and issues, and provide advice.  

The forum aims to:

  • Address students on the issue of crime and being safe on and around Campus
  • Reassure students that UWI administration cares about their safety and is continuously putting resources into new and innovative security measures
  • Reinforce the message of taking personal responsibility
  • To demonstrate the support services available to students, whether on Campus or nationally

Security is not just an issue on Campus, but a nationwide concern. Security initiatives and measures on Campus have consistently improved over the years, and it is necessary to ensure that the entire Campus population knows what security services are available to them, and how these can be accessed.