
Sociology Unit National Conference on Development and Empowerment

Event Date(s): 22/10/2013

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences Lounge

The Sociology Unit hosts a National Conference on Development and Empowerment: The Interpretations and Implications of Development and Empowerment on Tuesday 22nd October 2013, at the Faculty of Social Sciences Lounge from 9.30am-4pm.

This conference seeks to bring together the diverse voices and perspectives on development with the aim of interrogating the evolution and application of the concept of development. In addition, the conference seeks to deepen the discussion on empowerment in its various forms and possibilities.

Speakers include Professor Patrick Watson, Mrs. Indera Sagewan-Alli and Dr. Matthew Bishop.

Registration runs from 8.45am-9.30am. There is a registration fee of TT$50. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

For further information, please contact Fareena Alladin at fareena.alladin@sta.uwi.edu, or Ms. Dana Ramdas or Dr. Ronald Marshall at 662-2002 ext 83056.