
Presentation by Imperial Trans Antarctic Centenary Expedition team

Event Date(s): 25/02/2014

Location: Daaga Auditorium

Thia is your chance to meet an Antarctic Expedition team! 

The Department of Geography, in conjunction with the British High Commission hosts “An Awfully Cold Adventure”, your chance to meet an Antarctic expedition team at the UWI St. Augustine!  

Come out to the Daaga Auditorium, from 1pm, and take part in this inspiring presentation and Q&A session with the Imperial Trans Antarctic Centenary Expedition (ITACE) team, consisting of seasoned adventurers, world record holders, ultra marathon runners and survival specialists. 

So what’s the story? In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton led an attempt to cross the Antarctic, a voyage famous for the disaster which struck the team, and the amazing bravery, leadership and endurance the Shackleton showed to survive against the odds and ensure his entire team lived to tell the tale. The 2014 ITACE team is recreating Shackleton’s attempt to cross the Antarctic 100 years ago.

It is an inspiring story and the 2014 iteration of the expedition are keen to talk about the original mission, their preparation for the environment that they will be facing. 

Attendance is free! Don’t miss this chance to speak with the team one-on-one and find out how they are preparing to push their bodies to the limits of human endurance to finish what Shackleton started. 

For more details, please visit the Geography Department webpage: http://sta.uwi.edu/ffa/geography/, or the ITACE website: http://www.south2014.com/.



  • Dr Matthew Wilson

  • Tel.: 662-2002 ext. 83255