
Theatre for Children

Event Date(s): 03/05/2014 - 04/05/2014

Location: School of Education Auditorium

The Theatre Arts Unit of the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA) will host a student-led production, Theatre for Children, on Saturday 3 and Sunday May 4, 2014, at the School of Education Auditorium.  

Theatre Arts students will direct the productions OPQRS ETC by Madge Miller, and Wiley and the Hairy Man by Susan Zeder, primarily for children aged 6 to 12. 

OPQRS ETC runs at 10am and 2pm on Saturday 3, for children ages 6-9.  

This original fable is based on the fallacy that one colour is superior to another. Even the alphabet suffers in Ottoville, ruled by a ridiculous dictator, Otto the Official. He decrees that orange is the only acceptable hue. It takes the arrival of an artist, loving all the tints of the rainbow, to paint Otto in his true colours!

 On Sunday 4, see Wiley and the Hairy Man at either 10am or 2pm. This production is directed at a slightly older audience – children ages 8-12.   

This is a spine-tingling tale of a boy and his worst fears in the swamp, symbolised by the Hairy Man. In an exciting duel of wits, Wiley learns to rely upon his own resources and conquers two villains: the Hairy Man and his own fear.  

Limited seating will be reserved for children only.

Tickets are $40 for adults and $20 for children, and are available at the DCFA, Agostini Street, St. Augustine. 

Parents may call to reserve tickets by contacting the DCFA office at 663-2222 or 662-2002 exts. 82510/83792, or maria.cruikshank@sta.uwi.edu.

Admission:$40 Adults | $20 Children

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |


  • Department of Creative and Festival Arts

  • Tel.: 663-2222 | 662-2002 exts. 82510/83792