
Graduation Ceremonies 2015

Event Date(s): 23/10/2015

Location: Sport and Physical Education Centre

There are six UWI St. Augustine Campus graduation ceremonies for 2015, taking place from October 22-24, 2015. Graduands and their supporters are invited to attend the ceremony for their respective Faculties.

Friday October 23rd 2015

  1. 10am – STRICTLY for Faculty of SOCIAL SCIENCES Surnames A – L Undergraduate graduands only & ALL ALJGSB graduands only Surnames A – Z. Honorary Graduand and Guest Speaker Mr. A. Norman Sabga
  2. 4pm  STRICTLY Faculty of SOCIAL SCIENCES Surnames M – Z Undergraduate graduands only & ALL postgraduate graduands from the Departments of Management Studies, Economics, Behavioural Sciences, Institute of International Relations, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economics Studies & Institute of Gender & Development Studies Surnames A-Z Honorary Graduand and Guest Speaker Mr. Gerard Besson

For more information, contact the Examinations Section at 662-2002 exts. 82155 / 83877 or exams@sta.uwi.edu or visit The UWI graduation website, https://sta.uwi.edu/graduation/UWIGraduationDates.asp

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |