
Postgraduate Supervision Workshop

Event Date(s): 21/02/2008 - 23/02/2008

Location: Institute of Critical Thinking.

The School of Graduate Studies and Research in collaboration with the Instructional Development Unit will host a Postgraduate Supervision Workshop from Thursday 21st and Saturday 23rd February, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Institute of Critical Thinking.

Professor Gina Wisker, Head, Centre for Learning and Teaching, University of Brighton will facilitate the three-day workshop which will be based on research into postgraduate student learning, research into supervisory practice and the sharing of participants’ experiences and good practice. This workshop is best suited for new and experienced masters and PhD supervisors as well as supervisors of undergraduate projects.

For further information please contact Ms. Christine Brown at Ext. 2611, 663-9236 or email idu@sta.uwi.edu.

Open to: | Staff | Student |


  • Ms. Christine Brown

  • Faculty/Department

    School for Graduate Studies 

  • Tel.: Ext. 2611, 663-9236
  • Email: idu@sta.uwi.edu.