
UWI Graduation Dates

Event Date(s): 20/10/2016 - 22/10/2016

Location: UWI Sport and Physical Education Centre (SPEC)

Mark your calendars! Our 2016 Graduation Ceremonies will take place from October 20 to 22. 

Please keep checking the STA Graduation website for more updates at http://sta.uwi.edu/graduation/index.asp

Thursday October 20

  • 10am | STRICTLY for Faculties of Science & Technology and Food & Agriculture
  • Honorary Graduand: Prof KE Bingsheng
  • 4pm | STRICTLY for the Faculties of Engineering and Law

Friday October 21

  • 10am | STRICTLY for Faculty of Social Sciences Surnames A to L – Undergraduate graduands only & ALL ALJGSB graduands only Surnames A to Z.
  • 4pm | STRICTLY Faculty of Social Sciences Surnames M to Z – Undergraduate graduands only & ALL postgraduate graduands from the Departments of Management Studies, Economics, Behavioural Sciences, Institute of International Relations, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economics Studies & Institute of Gender & Development Studies Surnames A to Z
  • Honorary Graduand: Rev. Daniel Teelucksingh

Saturday October 22

  • 10am | STRICTLY for Faculty of Humanities & Education.
  • Honorary Graduand: Mr Anthony Williams
  • 4pm | STRICTLY for Faculty of Medical Sciences


Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |


  • Examinations

  • Tel.: (868)-662-2002 ext. 82155
  • Website: visit website