
Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) Research Day

Event Date(s): 21/03/2019

Location: Hyatt Regency Trinidad, Port of Spain

The Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) invites you to attend their Research Day under the theme, Equity and Equality in Health with feature speaker, Professor Michael Clarke, University of Western Ontario.

The event takes place on March 21 from 8.30am to 6.30pm at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad, Port of Spain.  FMS staff and students: $100; Non-FMS delegates: $250.

For additional information, please email HealthResearch.Centre@sta.uwi.edu  or call 662-2002 ext. 85486.

Admission:FMS Staff & Students: $100; Non-FMS Delegates: $250

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |