
Workshop on Economic and Financial Instruments for IWRM

Event Date(s): 17/03/2008 - 20/03/2008

Location: Faculty of Engineering, The University of West Indies, St. Augustine

Target Group:

The training course is designed for all persons who are interested in the economics of IWRM and are prepared to share their

experiences and knowledge with others. These persons may be persons from the public and private sectors, NGOs/CBOs,

social scientists, water and wastewater managers, legal practitioners, and policy makers.


  • Water issues and economic instruments
  • Nature of water as economic, social and environment al good
  • Water management issues – efficiency, equity and sustainability
  • Introduction to water economic instruments
  • Application of economic instruments & valuation techniques
  • Application of water economic instruments
  • Application of water valuation techniques - cases
  • Experience and lessons learnt from using financial instruments
  • Incorporating economic and financing instruments in IWRM plans
  • Application of economic, financial and other policy instruments to Caribbean SIDS

Cost – TT$4000.00

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student |