
Book Launch: Health Communication: Principles and Practices by Godfrey Steele

Event Date(s): 19/09/2019

Location: UWI St. Augustine, The Alma Jordan Library, Floor 3, AV Room

You are invited to attend the Launch of the book, Health Communication: Principles and Practices by Dr Godfrey Steele of the Department of Literary, Cultural and Communication Studies (DLCCS).

The launch takes place on September 19 at 5pm at The Alma Jordan Library, Audio-visual (AV) Room, Floor 3.

To confirm your attendance, contact 662-2002 ext. 82032 or Johann.Bennett@sta.uwi.edu.

About Health Communication: Principles and Practices

In this distinctive addition to the literature on medical communication skills, Dr. Steele reviews the literature from an interdisciplinary perspective and considers the curriculum of medical communication skills outside of the traditional metropolitan areas. He includes a collection of materials relevant to tropical medicine, the Caribbean and the Global South and draws upon his experience in designing curricula, teaching, researching and publishing in this field since.

Background and Purpose

The book is a companion to Health Communication in the Caribbean and beyond: A reader published by Dr Godfrey A. Steele in 2011 and provides foundational and applied content in healthcare settings using learning objectives, case studies, ethical issues and discussions. It provides reading, activity and audio-visual resource suggestions in each chapter and integrates principles with practices. Health Communication: Principles and Practices provides medical students and other allied health professionals and health practitioners with a framework for understanding and applying communication skills in the context of medical education and health education in health settings.

For more on the book, please see here: https://www.uwipress.com/9789766407230/health-communication/.

For more about the author, please visit: https://sta.uwi.edu/FHE/dlcc/dr-godfrey-steele

Admission:Free, RSVP required

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |