
Documentary at CLL: Sons of the Sun, men of corn

Event Date(s): 22/11/2019

Location: Centre for Language Learning Auditorium

The Centre for Language Learning (CLL) invites the campus community to the screening of the documentary La Visión de los vencidos, Capítulo 1, “Los Hijos del sol, los hombres de maíz”(The vision of the defeated, Chapter 1, “Sons of the Sun, men of corn”. The screening will be hosted by the Embassy of Mexico at the Centre for Language Learning Auditorium on November 22, 2019 at 10 am.

For more information please visit  https://sta.uwi.edu/media/documents/2019/Poster%20Vision%20Vencidos%2022NOV.pdf




Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |