
SALISES Webinar: New Economy Models, Post COVID-19 Policies for Productivity, Health & Social Wealth

Event Date(s): 05/06/2020

Location: Online

The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at the Mona, St Augustine and Cave Hill Campuses of The UWI, will collaboratively host a webinar on New Economy Models, Post COVID-19 Policies for Productivity, Health and Social Wealth.

Join in on June 5 at 2:00 p.m. (1pm JA time).

To attend, please register in advance via Zoom at https://bit.ly/2XRKbj2.

Or view the YouTube livestream on June 5 here: https://youtu.be/7GmVHEdTfj

See featured panellists and more information below: 

SALISES Webinar - Mona, STA, Cave Hill 2020 

For more additional queries, please email: salises@uwimona.edu.jm or visit:

www.salisesregional.com or www.uwi.edu/salises-mona

Admission:Free, Registration Required

Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |