Event Date(s): 02/07/2020
Location: Online via Zoom
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science & Technology invites the campus community to view the second MPhil Seminar by Matthew Sookoo on the topic, Theorem for Multivalued Quasi-Contraction Maps in a V-Fuzzy Metric Space.
The seminar takes place on Thursday July 2, 2020 from 11:00am to noon (12:00pm) via Zoom.
See details below:
Zoom Link: https://uwi.zoom.us/j/95318568689?pwd=TmkxY3RpTSs4bThTMVc2Tk9tdmNMdz09
ID#: 953 1856 8689
Password: 171932
Please note: If you are experiencing difficulties accessing the link, please copy and paste it into your browser.
The concept of a metric space has been a fascinating subject that provides an interpretation of distance between two points. Over the years many mathematicians have been trying to further generalize the notion of a metric space and extend it from two points to points. In the fuzzy setting, two such mathematicians of interest are Gupta and Kanwar. In 2016 they both surveyed the material of fuzzy metric spaces on two points and introduced a way of interpreting it using points. They called it V-fuzzy metric spaces. This new generalized space provides a new avenue for exploring further into fixed point theory and served as inspiration and motivation for the development of our main Theorem.
In this presentation we explain the concept of a V-fuzzy metric space and introduce multivalued quasi-contraction maps in the V-fuzzy setting. We also state and prove a fixed point theorem for multivalued quasi-contraction maps in a V-fuzzy metric space.
Additionally, we provide an application to image filtering which verifies and illustrates the fixed point theorem in action.
Admission:Free, Registration Required
Open to: | Staff | Student |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics