Event Date(s): 13/08/2021
The Psychoeducational Diagnostic and Intervention Clinic (PEDIC) continues its Autism Awareness Webinar Series. In this 2-part virtual series, participants will learn why sleep and feeding challenges are more common in children with autism. They will explore strategies to promote successful sleep and feeding habits for children with autism, and how to create a plan with individualized strategies for their child.
The first workshop titled Developing Successful Sleep Habits in Children with Autism will be held on July 30 and the second workshop titled, Developing Successful Feeding Habits in Children with Autism will be held on August 13 4 p.m.
FOR MORE INFO: pedic@sta.uwi.edu This workshop is free and open to the public.
ONLINE WORKSHOP 2 | Developing Successful Feeding Habits in Children with Autism
Date: August 13 | 4 p.m.
Register here: https://uwi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T1m-aBjfQBugV2fKfmEdeA
Open to: | General Public |
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