
COTE Youth Armchair Discussion

Event Date(s): 13/10/2022

Location: Virtual

The Department of Economics, as part of the annual COTE Youth Day activities, is hosting a virtual youth armchair discussion under the theme: “Climate Change and Disaster Management: Addressing Climate Challenges as a Caribbean Community”. Participation is invited from Secondary Schools as two secondary school students will be selected to participate in the forum which will be held from 1:00 pm -2:30 pm on Thursday October 13 2022.  Students will be chosen via a video submission based on the theme of the discussion. 

Technical Requirements 

Using any device with video recording capabilities make a short video (no more than 4 minutes) on the theme of Climate Change and Disaster Management: Addressing Climate Challenges as a Caribbean Community connecting this to subthemes such as; carbon emitters. Who are the culprits? economics of renewable energy; sectoral collaborations to reduce climate challenges: Tourism and Agriculture and opportunities of climate change. 

Video Submission 

  1. Submit registration form https://forms.gle/sk59ShBMibRj2YFu6 and send the video as an email attachment to sta-cote@uwi.edu no later than September 26th, 2022 @12:00noon.  
  2. Correspondence on the results September 30th, 2022

Judging Criteria 

The Videos will be judged in terms of creativity, originality, message content and technical organization (sound and picture quality). The decisions of the judges will be final. 

For further info: 662-2002 Ext. 82018/82630/83231 or email Soleil.Frederick@sta.uwi.edu  / Joel.Jordan@sta.uwi.edu



Open to: | General Public |