
Guest Lecture: Culturally Rooted: Art and Youth Wellbeing

Event Date(s): 06/03/2024

Location: Lecture Room 3, DCFA Cheesman Building

The Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA) at the UWI St. Augustine invites you to attend the guest lecture, "Culturally Rooted: Art and Youth Wellbeing," on Wednesday, March 6 at 5:00 p.m at the DCFA Cheesman Building, Lecture Room 3.

This event, featuring art therapist, Dr. Sarah Soo Hon, is an essential component of the DCFA's Carnival Arts and Wellness Outreach Programme for 2024, which illuminates carnival as a profound catalyst in fostering self-discovery, transformation, and authentic expression.

Join the lecture to explore the effectiveness of art within Trinidad and Tobago’s culture as a mental health tool.

For more information, contact 662-2002 Ext. 85458.

Open to: | General Public |