
PUBLIC LECTURE: Meeting the Challenge of Burnout

Event Date(s): 15/04/2025

Location: Online

Burnout is an occupational phenomenon that results from chronic workplace stressors that have not been successfully managed.  Research on burnout has identified the value of fixing the job, and not just the person, within six areas of job-person mismatch.  Improving the match between people and their jobs is the key to managing chronic stressors and can be done on a routine basis as part of regular organizational check-ups.  Better matches enable people to work smarter, rather than just harder, and to thrive rather than to get beaten down.

The School of Education invites the public to attend its Virtual Lecture on the topic Meeting the Challenge of Burnout on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 5 p.m. Professor Christina Maslach, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Emerita. Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley will lead the discussion on:

- The occupational phenomenon of burnout that results from chronic workplace stressors

- The different ways in which burnout has been addressed

- The key to improving the match between people and their jobs to enable people to work smarter and to thrive

Click here to register to attend. 

For more information contact petronetta.pierre-robertson@sta.uwi.edu.
