
Mathematical Science Initiative

Event Date(s): 05/11/2007 - 07/11/2007

Location: Institute of Critical Thinking

The Mathematical Sciences Initiative, Institute of Critical Thinking in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Engineering and the World Scientific and Engineering Academy (WSEAS) will host the following International Conference at the Institute of Critical Thinking, UWI, St. Augustine fro9m Nov 5-7 2007: the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE'07) and the 9th WSEAS International Conference on DTAT Networks, Communications and Computers (DNCOCO 2006&).

Sixty (60) Professors, researchers and students from the University can attend the conference free of charge. In order to have the registration fee waived, please submit Papers for the conferences through wseas2007@fsa.uwi.tt


Visit http://wseas.org/conferences/.2007/tt/macmese or http://wseas.org/conferences/.2007/tt/dncoco for more information



Open to: | Staff | Student | Alumni |


  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Faculty/Department

    Maths & Computer Science,  Faculty of  Science & Agriculture

  • Email: wseas2007@fsa.uwi.tt
  • Website: visit website