
Home Gardening: Key to Life and Food Security

Event Date(s): 15/10/2008

The Centre for Gender and Development Studies (CGDS) will host a Lunchtime Seminar entitled “Home Gardening: Key to Life and Food Security” presented by Ms. Patricia Jagassar-Clement on Wednesday 15th October, 2008. The seminar will be hosted in the seminar room CGDS from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.


Agriculture has taken centre stage in national and international discourses in the wake of high food prices and threats of food scarcity worldwide. Locally, the Agricultural Development Bank and several civil society groups have launched campaigns to encourage locals to ‘plant de lan’. Internationally, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the world to respond to rising food prices by revamping agriculture. In the current international context of an eminent food crisis, this seminar investigates the sociology of home use food production and its importance.


Open to: | Staff | Student |


  • Mrs. Staria Rochford-Moore

  • Tel.: Ext. 3573/3548.