Event Date(s): 18/02/2008 - 24/02/2008
The Institute of Caribbean Studies and the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of the West Indies, Mona will host their third conference in a series focusing on Caribbean culture entitled, “Global Reggae: Jamaican Popular Music a Yard and Abroad” on 18-24 February, 2008. The conference will be held at the Mona campus Jamaica. This conference will provide an opportunity for musicians, scholars, cultural practitioners and entrepreneurs from Jamaica and around the world to share their perspectives on the ways in which reggae has been appropriated and adapted in a variety of cultural contexts.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is October 12, 2007 and for final papers December 28, 2007. Submissions should include: an abstract or proposal of no more than 300 words and one copy of a cover page with your name, affiliation, contact information and a short biography of 75 words or less. Submissions should be sent to: Kam-Au Amen, Conference Co-ordinator, Reggae Studies Unit, Institute of Caribbean Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica, W.I. The conference will also host a poster exhibition; poster proposals must be sent as an email attachment in Word format by October 12, 2007 to conference secretariat at globalreggae2008@uwimona.edu.jm. Submissions should be work that is unpublished prior to the conference.
Open to: | General Public |
Kam-Au Amen