Event Date(s): 25/03/2009 - 27/03/2009
Location: UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados.
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) will host its 10th Annual conference from March 25th to 27th, 2009. This will take place at the UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados.
Papers and Panels are invited for the following topics:
Climate Change and Small States
The EPA and Doha (WTO) Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges
Frontiers of Risks: Considering Caribbean Entrepreneurship
Finance, Investment and Risks: International and Local Dimensions
Testing Neoliberalism: National Development, Social Care and InternationalCompetitiveness
Crime, Violence and Regional Security
The HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Well-being and Lifestyle Challenges
Charting New Areas in innovation and Enterprise Development
Identity at Risk: The Pillaging of Regional Cultures
Tourism at Risk
Cultural Industries in Small States: Copyright, Piracy and Technology
Caribbean Manufacturing: In the Doldrums
Vulnerable populations, Social Exclusions and Poverty
Gender, Health and Risk
The Rights of Children and Youth at Risk
Risk Management and Disaster Mitigation
Social Capital and Survival Strategies
Human Resources Development and Building Resilience
Macroeconomic Management in Small States
Other sub-themes/topics are welcome.
The Sir Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecturer Series
The 2009 Sir Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecturer will be Prof. Dani Rodrik, Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is December 15, 2008.
Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be notified by January16th, 2009.
The deadline for submission of full papers in PDF format is February 15th, 2009.
For more information check our website for updates: www.uwichill.edu.bb/salises
Or email us at salises@uwichill.edu.bb, or call (246) 417-4477/8 or Fax: (246) 424-7291
Sir Arthur Lewis Inst of SES