
Prof. Souitaris and Dr. Zerbinati – Research Seminars

Event Date(s): 20/09/2007

Location: Faculty Lounge, Faculty of Social Sciences

The Department of Behavioural Sciences will host two research seminars on Thursday 20th September, 2007 in the Faculty Lounge, Faculty of Social Sciences. Professor Vangelis Souitaris of City University, London will present, “The Effect of Time on Strategy and Performance of Technology Ventures” at 10:00 a.m. and Dr. Stefania Zerbinati of Brunel University, London will present, “Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector: A Framework of Analysis in European Local Governments” at 12:00 noon. All are invited.


Open to: | General Public | Staff | Student | Alumni |


  • Mrs. Nisha Alladin-Motilal

  • Faculty/Department

    Behavioural Sciences 

  • Tel.: Ext. 2020