
CAPE Workshop for Physics

Event Date(s): 02/04/2009 - 23/04/2009


The Department of Physics, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education will host a Workshop on Electronics from April 2nd to April 23rd, 2009. This workshop is for secondary school teachers of the CAPE program. This program is part of an initiative to better prepare Physics students to meet the needs of the Physics industry and for entry into tertiary level institutes.  


The Workshop will be conducted on:

Thursday 2ndApril, 2009

Thursday 9th, April2009

Thursday 16th April 2009

Thursday 23rd April 2009


For further information please contact the Department of Physics at (868) 662-2002, Exts 2051 or 3846.   



  • Department of Physics

  • Tel.: (868) 662-2002, Exts 2051 or 3846.