
Renewable Energy - Professorial Inaugural Lecture

Event Date(s): 26/03/2009


The professorial inaugural lecture of Professor Chandrabhan Sharma, Professor in Electrical & Computing Engineering will take place on Thursday 26th March, 2009, in Engineering Room 101, at 5:30 p.m. This lecture is entitled “Renewable Energy: Is this the panacea for sustainable energy security in an Island state?”

All interested members of staff and students are invited to attend.

For further information, please call (868) 662-2002 Ext. 645-2640 Exts 2013 or 2014.



With the recent fluctuations in oil and gas prices, most energy importing countries are scrambling to find a solution to their energy requirements. Renewable Energy (RE) has been touted as the solution to these islands' energy requirements. The presentation will review the various RE options available and would focus on the most viable option for Trinidad and Tobago in the short to medium term. The presentation would then discuss the enabling environment necessary for making renewable energy an integral part of the generation mix of the country and would provide a road map to the way forward.




  • Please Call

  • Tel.: (868) 662-2002 Ext. 645-2640 Exts 4621 or 4599