
A look into Caribbean Defense and Security Forces

Event Date(s): 06/05/2009


The Faculty of Social Sciences, in collaboration with the Latin America Defense and Security Network (RESDAL) will host a seminar entitled “Special Dossier on the Caribbean Defense and Security Forces”.  This seminar will be held on Wednesday 6th May, 2009 in the Social Sciences Faculty Lounge, Faculty Administration Building, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. The feature speakers at this event are Renata A. Giannini and Gonzalo Serra.

This seminar will examine:

Hemispheric defense and institutions

The Latin America Defense and Security Network

 Hemispheric security and multidimensionality

The sub-regional agendas

Latin America and the Caribbean: common issues and perspectives of approximation

Systems and Institutions of Defense: The Comparative Atlas of Defense of Latin America


For further information please call (868) 662-2002 Exts. 2405, 2027, 3232, 2672.



Renata A. Giannini

Renata Giannini is a graduate in International Relations in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and is Master in International Relations with the concentration in studies of “Peace, International Security and Conflicts” at the same university. She is a member of the Defence and International Security Group of Studies from Brazil since 2002 and of the Brazilian Foreign Politics Bulletin since 2004. She has received scholarships from Fulbright, CAPES and CNPq (the last two from the Brazilian government). Furthermore she is a researcher of the Latin America Defence and Security Network (RESDAL) and member of the staff in charge of the Comparative Atlas of Defence of Latin America. She is in charge of the Special Dossier of the Caribbean, collecting information and coordinating the systematization of data.


Gonzalo Serra

Gonzalo Serra, has a degree in International Affairs from the Torcuato Di Tella University and is attending a Master in Methodology in Scientific Research at the National University of Lanus. He has been an external consultant for UNDP in the project: “Strengthening the conduction and coordination of the Public Security in Argentina.” He is a researcher at the Latin America Defence and Security Network (RESDAL) and is a member of the staff in charge of the Comparative Atlas of Defence of Latin America. Furthermore he has been assisting the investigation regarding the Special Dossier of the Caribbean.

For further information please call (868) 662-2002 Exts. 2405, 2027, 3232, 2672. 




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  • Tel.: (868) 662-2002 Exts. 2405, 2027, 3232, 2672.