Event Date(s): 20/07/2009 - 05/07/2009
The Faculty of Humanities and Education the Continuing Professional Development and Outreach Unit will host a workshop entitled “Qualitative Research Traditions: Alternative Methods of Data Collection”. The workshop will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from July 20th to August 5th at the School of Education, UWI. Janice B. Fournillier, PhD Georgia State University, USA will serve as course facilitator.
This workshop on qualitative data collection addresses both theoretical and practical dimensions of conducting qualitative research. It aims to give participants a detailed understanding of qualitative data collection methods, their theoretical foundations, and their practical application to research projects, especially in educational research.
The workshop comprises the following modules: Epistemological and theoretical perspectives, phenomenological interviewing, participant observation and field notes, visual methods of data collection, and documents. Sessions are structured so that participants gain experience in both theoretical and practical aspects of qualitative research methods of data collection. The workshop is designed with flexibility so that participants will be able to develop projects that suit their academic and professional needs.
Persons who want to acquire the knowledge and methodological skills that are part of qualitative research methods and need these skills and knowledge for application within their academic programme are encouraged to enroll.
Interested persons can participate in the course for a cost of $2300, which includes course materials and refreshments.
For more information, email soeprofdev@sta.uwi.edu.
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