
Diet and Nutrition Workshop

Event Date(s): 27/10/2009

Nominations are invited for participants to attend a half-day training session entitled “Diet and Nutrition,” to be held on October 27th 2009, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The seminar will be facilitated by Dr. Candace Simpson-Smith and will accommodate a maximum of forty (40) persons.

It will focus on the following:

Seminar 1- Getting Started

  • I’ve got heavy bones
  • I’ll start after Christmas
  • But I barely eat a thing and I still put on weight.

All interested staff are asked to register for the seminar through their Head of Department, applications should be made no later than October 23rd, 2009, by contacting Mr. Brent Bhagwandeen at extension 3410 or bbhagwandeen@sta.uwi.edu.

Open to: | Staff |