
Introduction to Radiation Safety - one-day workshop

Event Date(s): 03/12/2009

Location: Room 101, 1st floor Block 1, Faculty of Engineering

The UWI's Faculty of Engineering, in collaboration with GNF Solutions Ltd., will be presenting a workshop titled, "Introduction to Radiation Safety," on Thurdsay 3rd December, 2009, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., in Lecture Theatre 3, 2nd Floor, Block 13, Faculty of Engineering.

The main objectives of the workshop will be to present the umbrella framework for safety at work and beyond, to sensitize applicants to the concept of Electro Magnetic Radiation as an occupational and public hazard and to present the participants with information on the princples of radiation hazards through identification to control.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • Legal requirements for safety at work
  • Safety management system approach (hazard identification to loss control)
  • Radiation regulations
  • Electro magnetic radiation - the hazards and who is at risk
  • Controls and quality assurance
  • Radiological treatment post-procedure

Ricardo Rodriguez, Fredrison J. Jagessar and Anthony Archibald will present the workshop, along with guest speaker Professor Stephan Gift, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Leader of Electronics Systems Group.

The cost to attend the workshop is TT $1,150.00 per participant and the package includes a seminar workbook, lunch and refreshments and a certificate of participation. All cheques should be made out to "Engineering Institute" (Linx available).

NB: The Engineering Institute reserves the right to postpone/cancel the program or part thereof, if a predetermined minimum number of participants is not attained.

Open to: | Staff | Student |