Staff Notices

Milner Hall Renaming - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

Posted Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GPC) has decided that the name of Milner Hall be changed.

The Campus Principal has asked that this process be an inclusive one and would like members of our St. Augustine community to share their recommendation/suggestion on a name for the Hall. From this pool, the residents of Milner Hall will be asked to make the final selection.

As you prepare your submissions please consider these general guidelines taken from the Proposed Policy to Govern the Naming of Buildings, Rooms, Appurtenances and Open Spaces for the Mona Campus.

  1. In all cases, consideration should be given to the appropriateness of the proposed name having regard to matters such as consistency with the mission of the University and the purpose of the facility.
  2. No name shall be endorsed that will imply the University’s endorsement of a partisan political or ideological position or of a commercial product. This does not preclude naming a building with the name of an individual who at one time held public office or with the name of a company that manufactures or distributes commercial products.
  3. Buildings should not be named to reflect the activity within them to enable flexibility in the future use of the building without having to re-name it.
  4. Confusion with or duplication of existing names on facilities should be avoided.
  5. The name to be attached to any building, room, etc. should not include any honorary title, such as Sir, The Honourable, and so on.
  6. A building, room, appurtenance or open space may be named in honour of an individual who falls in any of the following categories;
  • Persons who have had an important association with the University
  • Emeriti as well as deceased members of faculty
  • Past members of the administration of the university community
  • Distinguished members of the wider community (national, regional, or international) worthy of recognition and whose area of distinction is clearly linked to some aspect of the particular facility to which the name will be attached.

7.    A proposed nominee shall have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways:

  • Attained exceptional scholarly distinction nationally, regionally and or internationally while serving the University in an academic capacity
  • Rendered exceptional service to the University while serving in an administrative capacity
  • Although never having served the University in an academic or administrative capacity contributed in exceptional ways to the welfare of the institution or achieved such unique distinction as to warrant recognition.

We ask that you submit your suggestions for the name along with a short rationale (approx. 150 words or less) to (reply to this email) by noon on Friday December 15, 2017.