Staff Notices

Spend Your Lunchtime Doing a Cultural Activity with Confucius Institute!

Posted Thursday, June 6, 2019

Does your Department want to do a lunchtime cultural activity? Request one from the Confucius Institute! Here are the activities available:

  • Chinese tea 
  • Chinese knots 
  • Tourism in China (choose from different regions e.g. Beijing, Northwest China, Southeast China etc.)
  • Chinese calligraphy
  • Basic Mandarin taster class
  • Chinese ink blow painting

To request an activity, please contact the Confucius Institute's secretary, Janine Lutchman at for the available dates. 

Requirements for CI’s Lunchtime Cultural Activities

The workshops will be delivered by Confucius Institute’s tutors. There is no cost attached, but departments will have to supply some of their own materials to enable activities. E.g.: Audio-visual equipment for MS Powerpoint presentations;  newspapers to cover the desk space for the ink blow painting, paper plates for the mixing of paints etc.