Staff Notices

Campus Council 2015 - Data. Driven. Performance.

Posted Tuesday, March 24, 2015

This year's The UWI St. Augustine's annual Meeting of Campus Council will be held Tuesday March 24 under the theme "Data. Driven. Performance. Building a World Class University".  
As is customary, the event will feature presentations by Chairman, Mr. Ewart Williams; Vice-Chancellor, Professor E. Nigel Harris; Pro-Vice Chancellor and Campus Principal, Professor Clement Sankat; Pro-Vice Chancellor, Planning & Development, Professor Andrew Downes; Deputy Principal, Professor Rhoda Reddock; Campus Bursar, Ms. Patricia Harrison; Deans, Academic Board representatives and Guild representatives as well as other University Executive Management.
This event takes place from 10am to 1pm at the Ballroom of the Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre. The objective of the meeting is as follows:
• To highlight The UWI St. Augustine Campus' accomplishments over the last year.  
• To  generate interest in and publicity for the annual and faculty reports
• To sensitise  the campus community of the purpose and scope of the Campus Council. 
The Campus Councils were created with the responsibility to preserve the regional character while giving greater autonomy to the Campuses to respond to national needs and those of the non-campus countries. The governing body of the St. Augustine Campus is the Campus Council, which is established by Statute under the Charter.
The Campus Council meets annually, largely to receive detailed reports from officers and committees, which have responsibilities, that derive from the Charter statements and other instruments such as academic and curriculum updates; changing statistics on students with regards to enrolment and graduate throughput; staffing issues and strategic initiatives that have been undertaken. A fundamental aspect of the accountability of The University of the West Indies is the annual meeting of the Campus Council, where Annual and Faculty Reports are presented.  
The Financial Report each year ending July 31 is submitted to the Campus Finance and General Purposes Committee for consolidation and approval en route to the Campus Council and then to the University Council for final approval.