General Notices

Exit Survey for the Graduating Class of 2020 (Undergraduates only)

Posted Thursday, January 7, 2021

We invite all undergraduates from the graduating class of 2020 to participate in an Exit Survey. Your honest feedback is important to us in understanding your satisfaction in respect of the range of academic and academic support services which you experienced throughout your time at The UWI. We also wish to learn about your preparedness in becoming a graduate, and how your programme has equipped you with the necessary skills for work and the future. The findings from this survey would be used to help to improve our service to future students and their overall experience.  

The link to the survey has been emailed to you and we assure you that your answers are confidential, and your name will not be linked to your responses when the results are reported. Therefore, it is our desire that you respond to the questions as honestly as possible.  

We would like to congratulate you on graduating and wish you all the best in your personal life and career! 

If you have any queries or need clarification regarding this survey, please feel free to contact: Mrs Reanti Singh at