Staff Notices

FSS - Faculty Research Survey

Posted Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Do you belong to a Faculty Of Social Sciences at The UWI Cave Hill | Mona | St Augustine?

Please take a moment to complete this survey: Mentorship Of Early Career And Junior Faculty In The Caribbean

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to address a gap in the literature by investigating the nature and impact of faculty mentorship activities for early career academics (3-5 years of service) and junior faculty (6 years and over in the same positions) within established higher education institutions across Caribbean developing nations. The survey will explore informal mentoring interactions and experiences with various faculty members.

Anonymous Participation 

All responses provided for this study will remain completely anonymous. Your name or any other information that could be used to infer your identity will not be disclosed when the study results are reported. 

Your participation in this research is invaluable. Thank you for contributing to the enhancement of mentorship for early career and junior faculty in the Caribbean. 

Any questions, queries or concerns can be directed to:

-        Dr. Charlene M L Roach, Principal Investigator |  

-        Dr. Zuwena Williams-Paul | 

To take the survey, interested persons can click here