Staff Notices

Get Published in THE CAMPUS

Posted Thursday, June 20, 2024

Are you interested in sharing your expert opinions with higher education colleagues across the globe? Get published in THE CAMPUS brought to you by Times Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.

The current call for content explores practical advice from and for Higher Education professionals on:


Attracting and retaining racial- and ethnic-minority staff/academics/leaders in higher education Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

-          How to ensure fair and non-biased recruitment processes

-          How to prevent microaggressions

-          Strategies to remove the burden of representation responsibilities from minority staff

-          Cultivating a strong talent pipeline

-          Creating a sense of belonging and pride

-          Beyond mentorship: new ways to empower minority staff

-          Navigating the language of diversity

-          Creating safe spaces and support systems

Deadline for content: Monday, 1 July


Serving the post-Covid generation Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

-          Innovative and sustainable ideas to move blended learning forward

-          Supporting Gen Z students with mental health issues such as anxiety

-          Techniques to build students’ social skills

-          Teaching skills for the IRL classroom

-          Tips for encouraging in-person attendance

-          Teaching handwriting to undergraduates

-          Meeting students where they are on concerns such as climate change

-          Making up for Covid learning loss

-          Engaging the TikTok generation

-          Designing authentic assessment 

-          Assessing the AI literacy of “digital natives” Deadline for content: Monday, 15 July


Getting back to the basics of pedagogical theory Practical advice from and for HE professionals on teaching or using:

-          Higher-Order Thinking

-          Metacognition

-          Bloom’s Taxonomy

-          Retrieval Practice

-          Maslov’s Hierarchy

-          Zone Of Proximate Development

-          Reflective Practice

-          Scaffolding

-          Ai-Aware Pedagogies

-          Active Learning

-          Student-Centred Learning

Deadline for content: Monday, 29 July 


To view a comprehensive guide on how to do a Campus Opinion Piece, click here

To view a comprehensive guide on creating a video resource for Campus, click here

To view the Campus written resource template, click here

We kindly ask that submissions are emailed 48-24 hours ahead of the deadlines to allow for acknowledgement and forwarding to the Times Higher Education team by UK time. For more information, including guides to preparing resources, contact University Marketing & Communications at

See these recent features by UWI colleagues published in THE CAMPUS at