Student Notices

Disaster Risk Management Scholarships Are Available

Posted Wednesday, April 3, 2024

CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility) is the world's first multi-country multi-peril risk pool in the world, based on parametric insurance. CCRIF offers parametric insurance policies to Caribbean and Central American governments for tropical cyclones, earthquakes, excess rainfall and to the Caribbean for the fisheries and electric and utilities sectors.

In 2024, CCRIF SPC is offering 14 scholarships to Caribbean nationals to pursue postgraduate and undergraduate programmes in areas of study related to disaster risk management at The University of the West Indies and other universities in the Caribbean.

On Thursday, April 4, CCRIF SPC, in collaboration with the Office of Global Affairs, Vice Chancellery, The UWI, cordially invites all students to an Information Session on the 2024 CCRIF Scholarships.

This session will be held at FFA B, Sir Frank Stockdale Building, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The UWI St. Augustine Campus from 2 p.m.

For more information and to confirm your attendance please contact Ms. Lois St Brice at